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April 19, 2022

Slow Travel: The Art Of Real Immersion In A Destination

Is it just us, or do you have ‘everywhere on earth’ on your list too?  It is not heretical to think that you want to travel to most parts of the world. Now that the pandemic is (kind of) behind us, and the access to most places is easy, everyone seems to be getting back to travel with a sense of vengeance. And we love that! The hunger to see new places, to experience cultures and just getting out of your comfort zone is what we live for. But that also makes us look at travel with another eye. At Encompass, we’ve always planned for trips that make a place memorable – meeting an inspiring local person, eating under the stars with a chef-prepared meal, exploring new bars, just soaking in the sun in sunny Europe with nothing on the itinerary for the afternoon. As only when you pause, is when you truly absorb a destination. 

What Is Slow Travel?

We’ve believed that slow, immersive travel truly sparks a connection – to local food, people, cultures and the landscape as well.  A trip planned in a paced manner is meant to educate and have an emotional impact, so you can be in the present moment and for the future. More so, it does wonders for the local communities and the environment. We’ve been creating the best travel packages for solo travellers keeping slow travel at the core so that one can experience each destination without a bucket list in hand. You could kick start your slow travel journeys with small family vacations. We also have retreats for women, where you can spend time with other like-minded women travellers and see destinations up close at a slow pace. So how does slow travel really help?

How Does Slow Travel Really Help?
  • Lowers Your Impact On Nature
When choosing to travel slowly, you are sure to make a lower impact on the earth. Slow travel means that you are likely to spend more time in a place, choose an eco-conscious homestay or lodge and eat the local food. All of these help in minimising the effect on the environment.
  • Appreciate What’s Around
Rather than zipping through a place, you can truly immerse in the surrounds and not just tick of things on the list. This will help you understand the historical importance of a place, know its ecosystem and take in the beauty more deeply. Imagine taking a Paris trip package for a family and covering only the top things versus taking time off and sitting in the park in front of Eiffel Tower and enjoying the fountains.
  • Knowing The Local Pulse
What is the point of travel is you return unchanged. When you travel slowly, you get to get beneath the skin of the place and know the locals better. It gives you the true opportunity to know life distinct from yours.
  • Quality Over Quantity
Slow travel allows you to choose quality over quantity. Rather than attempting see as many sights or cities as possible into each trip, the slow traveller can take time exploring each destination thoroughly, knowing it better and having more indelible memories. 

Encompass trips are planned keeping a slow pace in mind, so everyone in a group can experience a place in their own way. We include multiple food and culture based experiences with a local arch, so the travellers can take in the essence of a destination and know its culture better. Contact us today!  



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